I nuovi condensatori Celem C-CAP07, di piccola capacità e ridotta potenza (200kVAr) sono stati progettati per essere usati come elementi di taratura per raggiungere la frequenza desiderata, in abbinamento ai C-CAP di potenza superiore.
CSP 305B provides 300kVAr reactive power.
Please note that the newer CSP 305B/600 has the same physical dimensions as the CSP 305B but is rated for higher power and provides up…
The CPRI 200 mica conduction-cooled capacitor provides 250kVAr at ultra-high frequencies (up to 100MHz) and high ambient temperatures (up to 150°C).
The CPRI 200 can be manufactured to order with…
The Quad 1000 is a new rectangular water-cooled capacitor for low-medium frequency ensuring good cooling for this powerful capacitor. It can provide up to 1000kVAr in a wide frequency range of…